

Lowest price:NT$1,680



如果您想詢問我們的課程,請通過LINE或Instagram聯繫 Arts Plus Social。

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Tufting手作地毯是一種源自於俄羅斯刺繡的技術。 透過使用電動Tufting gun簇絨槍,我們可以創造出各種不同的針織作品,包括: 地毯,杯墊,抱枕,手提包,購物袋,鏡框甚至是畫框毯,創意無限。 電動簇絨槍速度快,效率高,操作也非常簡單,容易上手。 使用簇絨槍時,把棉線穿入織布中,就像在織布上進行刺繡一樣。 當作品初步完成後,剪出形狀, 之後可以使用剪刀剪斷絨頭,或使用電動剪毛機進行修整,使作品呈現出絨毛層次感。 每個獨一無二簇絨創作都令人有一種大師級滿足感覺。 整個過程中,伴隨著電動簇絨槍噠噠刺繡的聲音,非常令人感到放鬆和愉悅!


|Tufting course features: 

Arts Plus Social藝家社交會工作坊提供 超級流行 DIY自創 Tufting 簇絨地毯課程,首先簇絨很簡單且愉悅,我們有經驗豐富的老師來陪同協助和領導您如何簇絨。 紗線有超過100種顏色供大家選擇。 Arts Plus Social重點是添置各種專業輔助設備。 首創[無重量太空簇絨槍吊繩]讓上下拉動也不費氣力,讓參加者和小朋友使用時更安全,容易上手,即使長時間使用也輕鬆無負擔。 安全至上,簇絨槍機器部分有保護殼,框架上也有保護套,不會誤碰發生意外, 非常安全。 剃毛機添加了輔助底座,容易看到修剪的位置, 讓大家安心順滑剃除多餘紗線。 其他專業設備包括從可調溫的無線零阻礙熱熔槍,配備抗敏過濾網強勁吸塵器,還有免提烘乾吹風機貼心手機支架讓製作過程更加輕鬆。 簇絨之後收邊工序只需要幾分鐘完成。 產品背面可以加上名字, 日期或祝福的語句。 Arts Plus Social作品絕對多元化,可以為你的作品添加配件,從手作地毯變成,杯墊,抱枕,手提包,購物袋,鏡框,紙巾盒等,將 Tufting 發揮至極致,創意無限。 這種獨特的藝術品將成為您每天炫耀的焦點。 情侶,與朋友和家人一起分享這段時光對每個人來說都是難忘且愉快的體驗。 台北Arts Plus Studio 藝家社交會的專業簇絨族DIY,帶領簇絨族進化一大步 , 開拓簇絨藝術新標準。


|Tufting experience content: 

Experience course: 1-4 hours of teaching and creation.
1. It is suitable to participate even if you have no experience or basic knowledge.
2. Professional teaching materials and equipment are provided on site to allow you to create the design you want.
3. The course content includes design drawings on tufted cloth.
4. The teacher adjusts the progress according to the difficulty level of the pictures design.
5. Provide instruction and practice on the safe usage of tufting guns.
6. The teacher provides step-by-step demonstrations, explanations, guidance, and assistance.
7. Enjoy tufting.
8. Teach assists in carpet completion process, yarn fixing and finalizing procedures.
9. If students cannot complete in time, they can ask the teacher to help. (May incur completion fees).
10.After completing the masterpiece, we will help take beautiful photos.
The course includes material, tool usage, tutor, and packaging for the finished product.

|Maintenance method:

  • Keep dry and dust regularly.
  • If you need to clean, please use cold water, press slowly and gently with your hands, and dry naturally in a cool place.
  • Do not rub or put into washing machine.
  • Do not use hot water, as natural materials are prone to heat shrinkage. 
  • Lay flat to dry, do not expose to the sun for a long time.
  • If you have any questions, please feel free to ask

|Registration notes:

  1. Despite the tools and machines being equipped with protection and weight reduction devices, there are still risks and physical efforts involved in coordination and handling. Therefore, the minimum age for registration is set at 7 years old (Inquiries are welcome).
  2. After registration, please make the required deposit within 2 days. Only when the deposit is completed, the reservation will be considered successful. If the deadline is exceeded, the course registration will be automatically canceled.
  3. Due to the need for prior arrangement of personnel and material, if registration is made only 2 days before the class, the full payment must be made on the same day.
  4. After completing the payment, please add LINE official account:@Arts_Plus_Social and provide your name, registration date, and payment information for us to verify. Only then will the registration be considered complete.
  5. The remaining payment can be made in cash, through bank transfer, or LINE Pay on the day of the class. Our studio can be exempt from issuing unified invoices.
  6. Please confirm the correct course date and time. If changes is made within 8 days after the selected date, only 1 free rescheduling is allowed (within 1 month from the course date), but no refund will be given.
  7. Due to the need for advance preparation of customized teaching materials, the course cannot be canceled but can be transferred or rescheduled once (within 1 month). 
  8. For group registration (20 people or more), the deposit must be paid in full on the same day after confirmation, and no refund will be given.
  9. For individual and two people experience, please prepare the design, product, and color selection 3 days in advance. Send the design to the official LINE account @Arts_Plus_Social . Due to limited experience time, on-site photo depiction is not accepted (Inquiries are welcome).
  10. In order to ensure teaching quality and other students' rights in class, please arrive 10 minutes early. If overtime is caused by personal factors such as being late, overtime fees may be charged.
  11. If you are more than 30 minutes late on the day of the class, it will be considered as giving up and the deposit will not be refunded. Therefore, please be punctual.
  12. This activity is mainly for individuals aged 13 or above. Individuals aged 13 and above can experience it alone, while children under 12 need to participate with a guardian.
  13. Please refer to the Family Experience Program if children (7-12 years old) are accompanied by adults.
  14. Individuals who have not registered for the course are not allowed to participate or accompany the course (you may inquire about the allowance to bring pets).
  15. Arts Plus Studio reserves the right to verify the eligibility of registration. If it is found that the age requirement is not met, the experience qualification will be canceled without refund. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

|Course Notes

  1. To ensure a smooth course on the day, please arrive 10 minutes early as the course will start on time.
  2. There is a 30-minute buffer time reserved for each course. If it exceeds the time limit and is not completed, you have the option to:
    - Take the unfinished work home or apply extended time complete it on the same day or another day with additional time.
    - Have the instructor complete it on your behalf.
  3. Additional time completion fee (overtime pay**): $300 per hour (if less than 1 hour, it will be counted as 1 hour, with a maximum of 1 additional hour).
  4. Instructor completion fee: $600-$1000 (depending on the completion level of the artwork, you can either pick it up or have it delivered, shipping fees not included). 
  5. Please follow the instructions of the staff and adhere to all tool usage methods. If any damage or injury occurs due to failure to comply with the instructions or improper operation, you will be responsible for compensation based on the price. Arts Plus Social is not liable for compensation.
  6. The course includes videography and photography. The materials will be used on social media platforms. After the course ends, the files will be shared with you if wanted. If you have any concerns about being photographed, please inform us in advance, and we will avoid the photography for you.

|Instructions for canceling reservations

If the course cannot be held due to natural disasters or other force majeure factors (based on the announcement of Taipei City), please proactively contact Arts Plus Social via LINE or email to reschedule or refund your payment.

*The following force majeure factors will result in a direct refund of the deposit:

  1. Weather conditions, where government agencies announce the suspension of classes in the area.
  2. Unexpected situations, such as power outages or equipment failures that prevent the course from being conducted.

|Specifications & age restrictions:

  1. Single person experience: During the experience, there may be certain risks involved in using sharp tools. For safety reasons, participants must be at least 13 years old to participate in the personal experience. Arts Plus Social reserves the right to verify the eligibility of registration. If it is found that a participant is under the age of 13, their experience qualification will be canceled without refund. Thank you for your understanding.
  2. Family Experience: The family experience is limited to one adult and one child creating a 25x25cm or 30x30cm artwork together. The age limit for children is 7 to 12 years old. During the experience, there may be certain risks involved in using sharp tools. For safety reasons, please carefully assess the stability and controllability of the child, and the accompanying adult must ensure safety throughout the process (no childcare service available).
  3. Couple/Double Experience: The couple/double experience is limited to two adults creating a 50x50cm artwork together, sharing one tufting gun.
  4. Group Experience: If there are cancellations in the group registration that result in insufficient class size, billing will be charged based on the price before discounts.

|Other notes:

  1. Due to safety concerns and the need to maintain the quality of the course for enrolled students, only registered participants are allowed to enter the classroom. Therefore, we apologize for not being able to accommodate friends or family members accompanying the students. Thank you for your understanding.
  2. The course will generate a large amount of lint or fibers. We provide aprons for participants to wear. Please bring a covered water bottle if needed. The course duration is relatively long, so you can have your meal before attending the class. Please make sure to allocate sufficient time for yourself to complete your artwork on the day of the class.
  3. During the pandemic, please cooperate with the preventive measures. Mask-wearing is not mandatory indoors, but if you are feeling unwell, please wear a mask throughout the entire class. If you are experiencing severe discomfort, please contact our staff to reschedule your appointment.
  4. The time required to complete the carpet may vary from person to person. We strongly recommend not scheduling any tight agendas immediately after the course ends.
  5. When operating machinery and tools during the class, it is important to tie up long hair and prevent loose fitted clothing to prevent any entanglement hazards.
  6. If participants engage in inappropriate behavior such as being under the influence of drugs or alcohol, causing disturbances, or damaging teaching materials, which may affect other students, the company reserves the right to ask the participant (parent or child) to leave.
  7. Arts Plus Studio reserves the right to verify the eligibility of registration. If it is found that the age requirement is not met, the experience qualification will be canceled without refund. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.


  1. The operation of Tufting guns and other tools is not dangerous if used according to the specifications. Please make sure to follow the operating guidelines and precautions. Arts Plus Social will not be held responsible for any accidents or injuries that occur due to improper use.
  2. In case of equipment malfunction or abnormalities, it is necessary to immediately stop the operation and inform the staff. Do not attempt to handle it on your own. If any damage is caused due to improper use, compensation will be required. Upon registration, participants will be asked to sign a disclaimer agreement*.
  3. Before registering, please carefully read all the details and specifications. By registering, you agree to the above-mentioned terms and regulations. Arts Plus Social reserves the right to make final interpretations and decisions regarding all matters related to the course.